GNY, the leading blockchain based machine learning business, has launched the GNY Range Report, which will provide some of the most accurate forecasts around Bitcoin volatility of any platform or service available.
The GNY Range Report uses proprietary machine learning to forecast Bitcoin volatility and has delivered a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of between 3% and 4%. The tool is the first consumer facing product offered by GNY and uses specialized neural nets and a custom RSI to generate optimized forecasting for the projected daily range for Bitcoin. In an exclusive partnership with, GNY is providing Bitcoin traders a free week’s preview to explore the report and measure the accuracy for themselves.
The BTC Range Report is issued every Tuesday and spans a seven-day period. For the price of just $10, it can be purchased with ETH or GNY tokens, and access is provided directly through the user’s Metamask wallet. After the initial free week trial exclusively at the report will be available to purchase on the website. Version 1 of the GNY BTC Range Report offers:
– GNY’s daily projected volatility range for BTC as a graph and a table
– a forecast of which day will hold the weekly high and the weekly low
– forecast of daily volumes
– historical daily high and low prediction graph for the last two weeks VS BTC Actuals
– mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) for GNY historical daily high and low predictions VS BTC Actuals for the previous two weeks
Originally published: Nov 24, 2021