Team Approach & Collaboration

Our Vision

The GNY Range Report is the center of gravity for the blockchain project. A crypto intelligence hub that showcases our research and insights at the intersection of blockchain and machine learning. The GNY Range Report is our vehicle for developing this vision as we combine the security and auditability of blockchain with the insights and unstoppable inertia of machine learning and AI.

You can read more about the team’s long-term vision in the Roadmap section, but below are the profiles of our team members. These profiles showcase the expertise not only from both the blockchain and machine learning arenas, but also from the financial, legal, and regulatory landscapes that inform our project.

Throughout the rest of the website, you can learn more about what’s next in our tech pipeline, how to make the most of our current free crypto intelligence services, and the GNY utility token that will eventually power our entire system.

Team Bios

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